Entrepreneuship Stories
Jan. 22, 2025 - S3 - Ep. 10


-kill dragon

If you know this game, congratulations—you’re an OG! In this episode, we explore the origins of video games through the story of a cave and a computer game created by a man trying to stay connected to the love of his life after she left him. This same cave also inspired the founding of one of the most legendary computer game companies.

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Dec. 12, 2024 - S3 - Ep. 7

Routers and Blue Lipsticks: The Many Lives of Sandy Lerner

Joining Elena as the permanent co-host of Breaking the 20% is none other than Maria Stylianou! Maria and Elena start their new partnership by diving into the unapologetically bold life of Sandy Lerner, who co-founded Cisco Systems, invented the multiprotocol router, and revolutionized computer networking—only to be unceremoniously booted from her own company post-IPO by a board that couldn’t handle her outspoken style. Instead of sulking, Lerner went on to punk up the beauty industry with Urban Decay, save historic landmarks, and run a sustainable farm, all while sticking it to anyone who told her she couldn’t. 

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Nov. 27, 2024 - S3 - Ep. 6

Ο μύθος τους αυτοδημιούργητου δισεκατομμυριούχου

Στο νέο επεισόδιο, αφηγούμαι στον Κωνσταντίνο Ψυλλίδη την συναρπαστική ιστορία της Microsoft και της Apple, και των ιδρυτών τους, του Μπιλ Γκέιτς και του Στιβ Τζομπς. Μέσα από το φακό της ταινίας του 1999 “Οι Πειρατές της Silicon Valley”, ανατρέχουμε σε εμβληματικές στιγμές και καθοριστικές συμφωνίες που καθόρισαν τον κόσμο της τεχνολογίας πριν αποκαλύψω στον Κωνσταντίνο ότι η κινηματογραφική εκδοχή της ιστορίας δεν είναι όλη η αλήθεια. Ακούστε το επεισόδιο για να μάθετε την αλήθεια πίσω από το μύθο.

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Oct. 30, 2024 - S3 - Ep. 4

A conversation with Yulia Tarasova, KidIT Co-Founder

In this episode, I am thrilled to host Yulia Tarasova, co-founder of KidIT Cyprus, a groundbreaking program dedicated to transforming young tech users, aged 5–13, into creators through hands-on, creative education. With a background in the gaming industry, Yulia has brought a unique, family-centered approach to tech education in Cyprus with KidIT’s innovative curriculum. Join us as we discuss the importance of project-based learning, the value of teaching children to become tech creators from a young age, and KidIT’s mission.

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May 19, 2024 - S2 - Ep. 23

How Peter Thiel and the PayPal Mafia went from Zero to One (Part 2)

For a second week, with the help of Andrea Solomonides, co-founder of Black Lemon TV and partner at Giraffes in the Kitchen, we unravel the complex legacy of Peter Thiel and the PayPal Mafia in Silicon Valley. We explore their rise from PayPal pioneers to tech titans, dissecting how their libertarian ideals and strategies have sculpted today’s tech culture, often at the expense of diversity and inclusion. With Andrea we explore Thiel's controversial actions and ideologies—from his involvement in the Gawker lawsuit to his political machinations—offering a compelling narrative on the power dynamics that shape the digital age.

In the concluding installment of this dual-part series, we delve deep into the narrative surrounding PayPal, tracing its inception, the tumultuous internal conflicts among its founders, and the ensuing cultural impact the company had throughout Silicon Valley. Furthermore, we scrutinize the notorious Gawker lawsuit and the intricate political maneuvers orchestrated by Peter Thiel.

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May 12, 2024 - S2 - Ep. 22

How Peter Thiel and the PayPal Mafia went from Zero to One (Part 1)

This week, with the help of Andrea Solomonides, co-founder of Black Lemon TV and partner at Giraffes in the Kitchen, we unravel the complex legacy of Peter Thiel and the PayPal Mafia in Silicon Valley. 

In the opening segment of this two-part series, we introduce you to the legendary Paypal Mafia. Coined in a 2007 article, they are depicted as a "hyperintelligent, superconnected pack of serial entrepreneurs" who emerged from the ranks of the pioneering payment service, PayPal, and after leaving Paypal they founded, funded, and led some of the most influential tech companies of our time, cementing their status as icons of entrepreneurial prowess. In the process, they reshaped the landscape of Silicon Valley forever. We then focus on the "Don" of this group, Peter Thiel, tracing his upbringing and his early years as a conservative libertarian student at the liberal Stanford University.

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March 31, 2024 - S2 - Ep. 19

Discussing Kara Swisher's 'Burn Book'

In this episode, I am joined by Alexander Davidian, an insightful observer of the Cypriot startup scene. Together, we unpack the no-holds-barred narrative of Kara Swisher in her latest book, "Burn Book". We dive into Kara's fearless world, discussing her unique style that combines tough questioning with biting humor. From an aspiring CIA operative to tech journalism’s most potent force, they explore Kara’s evolution and her revelations about Silicon Valley's tech bros. This episode is more than just a book review; it's a recognition of Swisher's role in holding tech titans to account, her razor-sharp predictions, and her ability to secure groundbreaking interviews. 

If the episode leaves you wanting more then buy the book, follow Kara on X, and tune in to listen to her 2 podcasts, Pivot and On with Kara Swisher.

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Feb. 18, 2024 - S2 - Ep. 15

AI-Powered Maternal Wellbeing

This week we explore the world of maternity and AI with Natalia, the founder and CEO of Soula. As a seasoned expert in maternity wellbeing and care, Natalia brings over 15 years of experience collaborating with global organizations to bridge the gap in maternal care. We explore her journey from leading social impact projects to founding Soula, an innovative AI-powered compassion care solution supporting women through all stages of maternity. We talk about her personal battles with postnatal depression, the motivation behind her move to Cyprus, and her insights into the integration of AI with human expertise to enhance maternal care. Tune in to discover how Soula is revolutionizing support for mothers and families, one AI interaction at a time.

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Nov. 28, 2023 - S2 - Ep. 9

The timeline of the 5 days of chaos at OpenAI

I asked ChatGPT to write me a summary for this episode. Here is what ChatGPT has to say: 🤣 Grab your popcorn, folks! In this week's episode, we dive into the wild world of corporate chaos as we dissect the hilariously amateur firing of a CEO by a board of directors who clearly missed the memo on professionalism!


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Oct. 30, 2023 - S2 - Ep. 5

Dame "Steve" Shirley

This week I am joined by Eleni, to tell her about Dame Stephanie "Steve" Shirley. Back in 1962, Stephanie Shirley conceived an audacious idea: to establish a company exclusively focused on software development with an all-female workforce operating from the comfort of their homes. Many scoffed at her plan, but as history unfolded, Stephanie had the ultimate vindication. By the turn of the millennium, her company had achieved a staggering valuation of $3 billion and provided employment to a workforce of 8,500 individuals.


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May 31, 2023 - S1 - Ep. 15

Απο την Κυπρο στο Y Combinator (Greek/Ελληνικά)

Σε αυτό το επεισόδιο μαζί μου είναι η Μαρία Τερζή. Μόλις το 20% στη βιομηχανία της τεχνολογίας είναι γυναίκες και μόλις το 2% του venture capital funding πηγαίνει σε γυναίκες. Η Μαρία ανήκει όχι μόνο στο 20% αλλά και στο 2%. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε περισσότερα για την Malloc εδώ.

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May 17, 2023 - S1 - Ep. 14

Η Patricia, η Roberta και ένα Colossal Cave (Greek/Ελληνικά)

Μαζί με τη Βίκυ και την Έλενα εξερευνούμε την αρχή των video games μέσα από την ιστορία μιας σπηλιάς και ενώς παιχνιδιού που γράφτηκε σε μια προσπάθεια ο δημιουργός του να μείνει συνδεμένος με τη γυναίκα της ζωής του που τον άφησε. Εξερευνούμε επίσης πως η ίδια σπηλιά έγινε η αιτία να γεννηθεί μια από τις πιο θρυλικές εταιρείες δημιουργίας παιχνιδιών για ηλεκτρονικούς υπολογιστές και πως στο 2023 έχουμε επιστρέψει ξανά στην ίδια σπηλιά. 

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March 22, 2023 - S1 - Ep. 10

Ο γυαλινος γκρεμος (Greek/Ελληνικά)

Μαζί με την Ναταλή μιλάμε για την υπάλληλο νούμερο 20 της Google, τη γυναίκα που δούλεψε σε κάθε επιτυχημένο προϊόν της Google για μια δεκαετία, την γυναίκα που παράδωσε το 96% των εισοδημάτων της Google στο πρώτο τρίμηνο του 2011 και όμως ο κόσμος τη θυμάται σαν αποτυχία γιατί απέτυχε να σώσει τη Yahoo, φορτώνοντας της τις αποτυχίες όλων των αντρών CEO που ήρθαν πριν από αυτή.


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Jan. 31, 2023 - S1 - Ep. 6

Απο τον "Interfaith Message Processor" στο "Eternal September" (Greek/Ελληνικά)

Μαζί με την Μαρία μιλάμε για όταν τελικά το Internet έγινε Internet και άρχισε να μεγαλώνει με ιλιγγιώδης ρυθμούς τη δεκαετία του 1990 οι άντρες θα ξεκινούσαν να τσακώνονται μεταξύ τους για το ποιος ήταν ο πιο σημαντικός στη δημιουργία του internet. Αντίθετα οι δύο γυναίκες που χωρίς τη δουλειά τους το internet δεν θα γινόταν πότε πραγματικότητα παρέμειναν ταπεινές και ο πολιτικός που τελικά παρέδωσε το internet στο λαό θα γινόταν για πάντα ανέκδοτο επειδή το χρησιμοποίησε ως χαρτί για να διεκδικήσει την προεδρία των ΗΠΑ. 

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