The title of this podcast, Breaking the 20%, refers to the global percentage of women in tech. While this figure represents the average, the numbers vary significantly between countries. Eastern European countries generally perform better. Arab countries see even higher percentages of women studying computer science but these same countries face challenges in transitioning women into the tech workforce.
But what about the EU member states?
Recently, I had the opportunity to visit Brussels along with 19 other women entrepreneurs, at the invitation of the Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus. During our visit, we explored EU initiatives, funding opportunities, and the various ways the EU supports gender equality, women in tech, and women entrepreneurs. While all the knowledge we gained was invaluable, I want to share some fascinating statistics I learned on this trip.
Between 2013 and 2023, the number of ICT specialists in the EU increased by 59.3%—nearly six times the overall employment growth rate of 10.7%. However, in 2023, men still dominated the field, with 80.6% of ICT roles in the EU held by men, compared to just 19.4% held by women.
Among EU member states, Bulgaria leads with the highest percentage of women ICT specialists at 29.1%. Estonia follows with 26.8%, and Romania ranks third at 26%. Tied for fourth place are Cyprus (yay!) and Latvia, each with 24%.
Cyprus, in particular, has made notable progress. Over the past decade, the percentage of women in ICT in Cyprus increased by 7.6%, rising from 16.4% in 2013 to 24% in 2023.
More information here: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=ICT_specialists_in_employment